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Don't just take our word for it.....Check Us Out on Yelp!

I can't tell you how delicious their food is! You're going to have to try it for yourself. Portions are generous and the pricing is beyond reasonable. Food is always delivered on time and piping hot! Looking forward to keeping them as part of our family traditions for many years to come!

-Adrianna S.

No matter the meal, whatever it is, it's always delicious. The taste, the price and the customer service is 5 star.
If you're looking for a great caterer or just want to order a scrumptious lunch, dinner or dessert..This Sista can Cook won't let you down.. Love this place.

-Wanda J.

What can I say other than the name speaks for itself!
This sista can indeed cook her a** off! Every time I'm blessed with one of her dinners I'm transported to my happy place. My absolute favorite dish to order is the country bowl, there's always more than enough to share or save for the next day. Keep doing your thang "sista" I'll definitely be back for more.


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